Are you feeling stretched as a parent? 

Despite your best effort to be conscious, are you feeling frustrated, depleted and not like the parent OR partner that you want to be?

We have been there and we want to help!


We are the Nielsen's.  We have five children ages 24 down to 9. We have been through tantrums and diapers and long sleepless nights. We understand exes, chronic illness, kids with special needs, owning a business and so many things.

We understand what it is like to feel frustrated at the lies society tells us about parenting.

Lies like:

  • It gets better as they get older, or 
  • it's a phase and they'll out grow it, or
  • it's supposed to be hard, just endure it, or
  • having a schedule is fruitless

We bust those lies and help you on the journey to being the parent you feel good about!

The Parents in SYNC framework will show you the way.

I just don't have the time!

Listen, we get it! Time is are your children and they are getting older each day while you struggle with parenting them! Take the time, put in the work - the fruit is so sweet. 

My partner will never agree!

We get that one too! We have worked with many struggling couples. Just get your partner to a SYNC Session and let's work together to restore harmony in your home!

We just don't have the money!

Divorce isn't cheap. Neither is therapy. We have three course options for you. Now is not the time to stress about the money.  You can always make more money but you will never get back the time you are losing everyday to conflict and contention in your home.

Course ONLY


Most Popular

  • Parents in SYNC framework - lifetime access
  • Support Group - 1 yr access
  • Preventing Arguments Training
  • BONUS! Entrepreneur Training!
  • BONUS! Recreating Your Family Culture in These Strange Times

Course + SYNC Sessions


Includes Group Coaching!

  • Parents in SYNC framework - lifetime access
  • TWO live group coaching calls each month for a year.
  • Support Group - 1 yr access
  • Preventing Arguments Training
  • BONUS! Entrepreneur Training!
  • BONUS! Recreating Your Family Culture in These Strange Times

Course, SYNC Sessions + 1 on 1 Calls


Gives you 1 on 1 help!

  • Parents in SYNC framework - lifetime access
  • 12 private 1 on 1 calls with us.
  • TWO live group coaching calls each month for a year.
  • Support Group - 1 yr access
  • Preventing Arguments Training
  • BONUS! Entrepreneur Training!
  • BONUS! Recreating Your Family Culture in These Strange Time
  • Optional payment plan! $2297 or 4 monthly payments of $625
  • Interview required.
Schedule an Interview

We are so sure that this will work for you that we will give you your money back!

To receive your money back we need to see that you have done all the work. You must complete and send us all three module workbooks. If you choose a plan with coaching calls you must have attended (live) at least 75% of the calls and participated in them. You must be active in the support group and have asked questions so our coaches can assist you. We want to help your family, but you have to meet us half way!

This program only works if you work!

Stop the Insanity Now!

We bust those societal lies and give you vital steps to reclaiming authority in your parenting.